China, like most of the developing world is striving to become more technologically advanced. All of which is undoubtedly efforts that foster from the BRI. As such, let's discuss further the importance of China's ability to foster and improve tech advancments.
The U.S government is rather unpleased with China's ability to achieve and acquire rapid growth in various technologies. Though, what are the legititmacies of these technologies?
"Huawei, a Chinese multinational technology that provides telecommunications tech and sells consumer-based products," (Horowitz, Julia. 2019). Skeptics, especially U.S economist are investigating the CEO Ren Zhengfei of Huawei Technologies.
There's questions as to whether the CCP is lending subsidies, and if so, is there ethical lines being crossed. Ren says that there are no laws being broken and the company is finally becoming prosperous.
"I am most excited and happy about the attacks from the United States. After being in business for thirty years our teams were becoming lazy and corrupt. Since the U.S begin attacking us however, everyone has really come together and as a result has lifted the burden off my shoulders. Making me relaxed enough to praise the U.S."-Ren Zhengfei